
Why Choose Dr. Morales Cosmetic Dental  Clinic as your favorite and only dentist clinic?

At our office we designed our team with our patients by combining a calm atmosphere with the latest technology, to be able to provide the best service to everybody. We have created a place where patients in Miami, Florida receive the level of dental care they need and deserve. The moment you walk into our front door, our team will make you feel comfortable, secure and well-cared for. 


Do you accept my insurance?

At Dr. Maira Morales Cosmetic Dental Clinic  we accept most of the dental insurance plans. Our team will assist you in determining whether your dental treatment cost are covered. If your treatment is covered by your insurance, we will help you file your claim. 



I Don’t Have Insurance. What Are The Payment Options Do You Offer?

We understand and believe a healthy smile should be accessible to everyone. As part of our commitment we work hard to maintain affordable fees and conveniently accept several form of payment such as Care Credit, Lending Point, Credit Card, Debit Card, Personal Checks, Business Check, Money Orders and NOW we have our very own Dental Plan Membership and so much more!


Do You Treat Children? 

YES WE DO!!!!!! Dr. Maira Morales welcomes children of all ages. Not only is it important to keep you child’s smile healthy, it’s important for kids to learn that visiting the dentist can be fun! 


Is Maira Morales Cosmetic Dental Clinic Accessible to Patients with Disabilities?

YES….ABSOLUTELY!!!! Please feel free to call us at anytime ahead of time if you would like us to make special arrangements for you or your family member. 

Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

If you feel as though you have no energy and are too tired to keep up with your friends and family, you should visit our dental office to talk about sleep apnea. This may be what is causing your issues, and a simple non-invasive treatment may be just what you need to feel like yourself again. To schedule an appointment with our dental office, call (305) 442 – 0331. We will be happy to discuss your treatment and then make a recommendation for how you should proceed.



What Can I Do to Improve My Smile?

What do you do? Call the dentist. Whether you are getting ready for the homecoming dance, prom, or any formal event, you want to be confident enough to show off your smile. Your formal is something that only happens in high school, and it is an event to really look forward to. Call us NOW (305) 442 – 0331


Which is Better Invisalign or Braces?

At Maira Morales Cosmetic Dental Clinic, we understand the important role that orthodontics can play in creating a healthy and beautiful smile. If you or your teen has crooked teeth, overly crowded teeth, an under bite or an overbite, correcting these challenges can prolong the lifespan of natural teeth by helping them to remain in good condition. Both Invisalign® and braces can do so by applying pressure to the teeth or by working in combination with other orthodontic measures like spacers. When determining which is better, Invisalign® or braces, you must really evaluate your lifestyle and determine which solution will work within it. From a day-to-day perspective, patients prefer Invisalign® due to the flexibility that it provides. If you live in the Miami area, we encourage you to schedule an examination so that we can determine the best way to proceed with straightening your teeth. You can do so by calling (305) 442 – 0331


Dental Anxiety

 At our office we  can perform dental work on patients that are struggling with dental anxiety. If you avoid the dentist due to fear of what a procedure may be like or simply do not enjoy dental work, give us a call. We can ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed, regardless of the dental procedure. When you visit our office, we will meet with you to discuss what treatments you need and create a plan for how to keep your mouth healthy while easing any fears that you have about dentistry in general. We will keep you informed about the entire process so that you can make decisions regarding dental care without experiencing any anxiety.


Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

At Cosmetic Dental Clinic, patients ask, “my tooth hurts, do I need a root canal?” Toothaches can be terribly inconvenient. They make it difficult to eat, speak, or even function. As a family dentist in Miami, FL, we realize that a common toothache is something most people can live with until it suddenly turns a corner and becomes unbearable. The key is to visit our dental office at that initial stage before you reach the point of severe discomfort. This will give you the largest amount of options for how to treat the problem. To schedule an appointment with our family dental office, call (305) 442 – 0331


Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening 

Have you ever had a friend use a store brand whitening kit and get better results than you did? This happens because everyone is not equal when it comes to teeth whitening. The store brands are a one-size-fits-all treatment but professional whitening creates a customized treatment that suits your needs specifically. This has many people running to the supermarket and pharmacy for tooth whitening solutions, however, only a professional treatment provides super strength whitening that makes your smile truly radiant.


A dental veneer is a porcelain shell that dental professionals can customize to enhance the size, shape and shade of a tooth. Dental veneers are a commonly offered dental restoration at Maira Morales Cosmetic Dental Clinic. 

If you have chipped, discolored or crooked teeth and want to change them, then dental veneers may be the solution you are looking for. Consisting of a thin porcelain shell, dental veneers can blend in with your surrounding teeth for a uniform appearance. While altering the size, shape and shade of your teeth, we can also prevent further damage to the surface of the tooth.

Far too often, people will try to avoid seeking professional dental treatment and live with damaged or crooked teeth. By avoiding treatment, people are only increasing the chance of pain or infection. A chipped tooth can risk exposing the inside of the tooth, causing pain when eating, drinking or biting down on something.

By investing in a dental veneer treatment, we can help you change the size, shape and shade of your teeth for your specific needs.


      Some of the Foods and Drinks that Hurts  Your Teeth

1. Sour Candies 

sour patch kids

It’s not surprising that candy is bad for your mouth. But sour candy contains more and different kinds of acids that are tougher on your teeth. Plus, because they’re chewy, they stick to your teeth for a longer time, so they’re more likely to cause decay. If you’re craving sweets, grab a square of chocolate instead, which you can chew quickly and wash away easily.

2. Bread

white bread

Think twice as you walk down the supermarket bread aisle. When you chew bread, your saliva breaks down the starches into sugar. Now transformed into a gummy paste-like substance, the bread sticks to the crevices between teeth. And that can cause cavities. When you’re craving some carbs, aim for less-refined varieties like whole wheat. These contain less added sugars and aren’t as easily broken down.


3. Alcohol

shot of whiskey

We all know that drinking alcohol isn’t exactly healthy. But did you realize that when you drink, you dry out your mouth? A dry mouth lacks saliva, which we need to keep our teeth healthy. Saliva prevents food from sticking to your teeth and washes away food particles. It even helps repair early signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral infections. To help keep your mouth hydrated, drink plenty of water and use fluoride rinses and oral hydration solutions.


4. Carbonated Drinks


We all know that little, if any, good comes from soda or pop, even if it’s got the word “diet” on the can. A recent studyTrusted Source even found that drinking large quantities of carbonated soda could be as damaging to your teeth as using methamphetamine and crack cocaine. Carbonated sodas enable plaque to produce more acid to attack tooth enamel. So if you sip soda all day, you’re essentially coating your teeth in acid. Plus it dries out your mouth, meaning you have less saliva. And last but not least, dark-colored sodas can discolor or stain your teeth. A note: don’t brush your teeth immediately after drinking a soda; this could actually hasten decay.

5. Ice

ice cubes

All it contains is water, so it’s fine to chew ice, right? Not so, according to the American Dental Association. Chewing on a hard substance can damage enamel and make you susceptible to dental emergencies such as chipped, cracked, or broken teeth, or loosened crowns. You can use your ice to chill beverages, but don’t chew on it. To resist the urge, opt for chilled water or drinks without ice.



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